Building Plan Approvals
Online building plan approval system (OBPAS) is a single window portal for online scrutiny and approval of building plan applications within the municipal limits of Chandigarh. Citizens, Officials, and other stakeholders can submit and track applications in real time and obtain approvals without having to physically visit an office.
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About Building Plan Approval SystemScrutiny reports are produced in the matter of minutes with automatic rule mapping. The development regulation process is also automated saving paperwork and time of stakeholders.Stakeholders like ULB officials, architects, town planners, engineers and citizens are connected on a single platform to coordinate various services. Stakeholders are updated in real time of the application progress thus achieving transparency.It is a state-of-the-art, ERP-based platform created for urban governance, built on advanced open source technologies ensuring flexibility, interoperability and faster implementation.Existing manual processes are completely replaced with automated workflows. Standardisation of processes with well-defined roles and responsibilities of stakeholders mapped in the system. MIS reports are automatically generated to help track process efficiency.Earlier processes which were tedious have been replaced with a seamless submission process for Building Plan Licensing systems through auto synchronisation of data between DIGIT DCR and BPA application.keyboard_arrow_down keyboard_arrow_up
Citizen & Building LicenseeAll payments related to building plan application can be made online using debit/credit card/internet banking/etc. anytime.
The citizen and building licensee will receive real time updates related to submitted application via SMS and email notifications.
Centralized platform for all stakeholders including citizens, business users, and department officials.